SRS: sex reassignment, reconstruction and surgery

Sex reassignment surgery or SRS is also known as gender confirmation surgery, genital reconstruction surgery, sex realignment surgery, gender reassignment surgery or (colloquially and quite simplified) a “sex change”.

SRS: sex reassignment, reconstruction and surgery

Sex reassignment surgery or SRS is also known as gender confirmation surgery, genital reconstruction surgery, sex realignment surgery, gender reassignment surgery or (colloquially and quite simplified) a “sex change”.

SRS is a complex set of surgical procedures by which a transgender patient's whole physical appearance and overall function. Existing sexual characteristics are reconstructed and altered to resemble the identified gender.

Certain genital surgeries are performed on intersex people, often in an early age.

SRS is a complex set of procedures procedure which also includes clinical terms like sex reconstruction surgery, feminizing genitoplasty, penectomy, orchiectomy and vaginoplasty. When SRS is aimed medically for the treatment of trans women - masculinizing genitoplasty, metoidioplasty or phalloplasty are involved.

People who pursue sex reassignment surgery operations are referred to as transsexual patients — pertaining to the secondary sexual characteristic; parients may identify themselves as transgender or transsexual.

• Patients who have undergone complete sex reassignment surgery are also referred to as transsexed individuals. This term (transsexed) is not to be confused with the transsexual – it may refer as well to people who have not yet undergone sex reassignment, but whose anatomical sex may not match their own psychological sense of personal and gender identity.


1931, Berlin: Dora Richter is the first known transgender woman to undergo a vaginoplasty surgical approach.

1931, Dresden: Lili Elbe attempted the removal of original sex organs during an surgical operation supervised by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Four more subsequent operations were performed, incl. an unsuccessful uterine transplant, which eventually lead to the paitient’s death.

Thailand is among the countries that performs the most sex reassignment surgeries on a yearly basis, followed closely by Iran.

Surgical treatment and procedures

Male-to female:

• penile skin inversion
• vaginoplasty (with using rectosigmoid colon)
• secondary genital reconstruction

Reassignment surgery for male-to-female involves reshaping male genitals into resembling the appearance and function of female genitalia. Patients usually undergo specialized hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and hair removal procedures, depending on age of the start. Associated surgeries that patients often undergo are facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation procedures and various other clinical and surgical interventions.


• metaidioplasty
• secondary genital reconstruction

Genital reconstructive procedures use either the clitoris with androgenic hormones enlargement (metoidioplasty) or use free tissue grafts from an arm, the thigh or the stomach, combined with erectile prosthetic (phalloplasty). The urethra can be re-routed through the constructed penis. Labia majora used as to form a scrotum. Prosthetic testicles can be inserted as well as a follow-up.



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